about us

The Great Place of Solutions to Disorders of

We strongly belive that hearing loss isn't treated with a device or a product. It requires understanding every patients unique situtaion & lifestyle, recommending the best solution available & providing the personal care & guidance towards learing to hear well & communicate better.

Why Choose Us

We have the most competent ENT specialist, Audio Logiest & well trained Medical Assistant to treat and Guide you in each and every king of Otorhinolaryngology diseases.

Meet our Dedicate Team

Dr. Vipin Jain

ENT Consultant

Dr. Vipin Jain is the ENT consultant & in-charge of Sharda ENT Center with experience of more than 8+ Years. He has performed all kinds of ENT surgery both Conventional & laser Assisted surgery in various hospitals.


Subrat Pradhan is the senior audiologist and speech-language pathology specialist with experience of more than 10+ years of. He has done Numerous hearing tests like PTA(Audiometric), Impedions Test, OAE, Bera & speech therapy at various hospitals.

We have very well-trained medical team who assist us in various medical & surgical procedures with gentle and precise care.